Tuesday, April 17, 2007

An Oxymoronic Post

It was a bright sunny night and I was busy doing nothing. It was an open secret that I remain jobless most of the time!. I was getting really tired being alone together with my jobless self and I thought of taking a break. Nothing much came to my mind as I started pondering what to do. Finally I decided to write a blog post and I was terribly pleased with my decision. This was because my blog was almost dead with no activities for over four months now(excluding my previous post)! I wanted to write an interesting post which would clearly confuse the reader(atleast for a little while). While I was half done with my blog post, I heard my stomach grumble for food. Being the glutton that I am, more is always less for me in terms of food. After pacifying my stomach with some scrumptious food, I got back to blogging leaving the dining table in a fine mess.I completed my blog post and went through it once again to check whether it was ready to be posted or not. After checking the alignment and spacing, I updated my blog with this post and turned off my PC. In doing so, I had to click on the start button to shut down my PC!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

PETROL - The nonpareil

Waahhh Petrol! such a divine aroma it has. Every morning when I take my vehicle out, I open it's petrol tank, take in two to three deep breaths and then proceed riding it. Its unexplainable how a substance like petrol with such great smell isn't edible. Being the connoisseur of good food that I am, you can take it from me that petrol would really make a scrumptious cuisine. You can trust me on this.

I would really appreciate it if in the near future edible things like petrol candy, petrol soup, petrol crust pizza, instant petrol noodles, food with petrol aroma, petrol pickle, petrol juice, petrol flavored ice-creams etc hit the market. It would also be nice if non edible products like petrol soaps, petrol deodourants, petrol hair oil are also manufactured. Just think about it wouldn't it be great? It sure will. It would also be nice if the properties of petrol are also incorporated in these products excluding its poisonous ones. By properties, I mean milage (amount of work speaking in human terms) this depends upon the individual too like how milage depends on the vehicle, rate of combustion (rate at which it gets digested speaking in human terms) etc.

If these products do hit the market, the bears and bulls analysis would be an interesting one. Firstly, coffee prices will fall as they will be replaced by petrol beverages. These beverages will be used to kick start the day. Coffee addicts might turn petrol addicts. Secondly, these products will become ubiquitous. All shops ranging from the smallest to the biggest of the biggest supermarkets will have these products. Thirdly, it will be bulls for these products not in terms of prices but in terms of sales.

Well let me not get too carried away. All of these might happen only if such products come into existence. These petrol products are just figments of my imagination but in reality, the probability of such products getting manufactured is almost zero. What the hell, I might just be wrong because I am weak in PQT!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

LUCK - An erroneous perception of reality!

One often comes across phrases like you are lucky, luck is on my side, good luck, bad luck, you just got lucky, best of luck, in luck, out of luck, as luck would have it etc. To my knowledge, almost everyone believes in luck. The thing which I don't get is why people go in for luck. The whole of the human race in my perspective could be classified into three broad categories videlicet

.Those who believe in the existence of God(theist).

..Those who don't believe in the existence of god(atheist).
...Those who are skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism(agnostic).

If a person is a theist, why should he believe in luck when he believes in God? and if he still persists to believe in luck,
.Is luck another God?
..Why doesn't one worship luck?
...Who is bigger and greater,luck or God?

If a person is an atheist, why should he believe in luck when he doesn't believe in God? If he still persists to believe in luck,
.Is luck superior to God?
..Shouldn't he be believing in his efforts rather than luck?
...How can he put his faith in luck when he can't put his faith in God?

If a person is an agnostic, he must be skeptical about luck's existence if he is skeptical about God's existence, if not, well then it's just his misestimated clairvoyance!

LUCK is just a four letter word which has a meaning in the dictionary albeit has no meaning in real life!